Membership Card

Israel Youth Hostels Association (IYHA) offers 2 types of membership cards: individual, or family.
Membership cards allow you to stay at IYHA hostels throughout Israel at discounted prices (10% on accommodation price) and are valid for 1 year from date of purchase.
  • Family card: NIS 80
Membership cards can be purchased at any IYHA hostel in Israel, or in our Jerusalem office.
The membership card is valid internationally and provides various discounts in hostels belonging to HI – Hostels International Federation. Before traveling abroad, we recommend you check details on the Federation’s website:

Here are some guidelines for using your IYHA card in Israel:
  1. The individual/family membership card cannot be transferred to others.
  2. The family card is valid for a couple and their children under age 18 years.
  3. The family card must show the word FAMILY.
  4. The membership card’s holder will be given a 10% discount on accommodation price only.
  5. Any additional services (including meals) will be charged at full cost.
  6. The discount is applicable all days of the year except for Passover and Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles).
  7. The membership card is valid for 1 year from date of purchase.
  8. No multiple offers and discounts.
  9. Use the benefit direct when you book with the hostel or through our website.
The discount will be registered at the reception desk on your day of arrival.
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